
Endorsements & Recognition

A Proven Conservative

NRA “A” Rating

Proud to receive and maintain an “A” Rating from National Rifle Association. I will continue to defend our 2nd Amendment rights in the NC House.

NC Right to Life

I continue to receive the general election endorsement from NC Right to Life based on my voting record. Life is precious and should be protected.


I am endorsed by the NC Values Coalition, which advocates for Life, Family & Freedom. Proud to be recognized by this group because of my voting record.

“Job Champion” Award NC Chamber

Honored to, once again, receive the “Job Champion” award in 2023 from the NC Chamber PAC from helping our state drive economic prosperity.

“Conservative Excellence” Award

Recipient of the 2023 “Conservative Excellence” award from CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference).

97% Pro-Business Rating

97.3% rating for my PRO-BUSINESS voting record by the NC Free Enterprise Foundation. This ranked me top 6 out of 120 NC House

A+ (100% Score) Freedom Ranking

I received an A+ Freedom Ranking from Civitas Action based on my voting record of expanding and defending freedom.

100% Pro-2nd Amendment Voting Record

Grassroots North Carolina PVF has named me their recommended candidate for NC House District 55 based on my 100% pro-gun rights voting record in the legislature.

“School Choice” Endorsement

Based on my voting record of supporting school choice and public charter schools, I have received the endorsement of the NC Coalition for Charter Schools.

About Mark

Christian. Husband/Father. Veteran. Entrepreneur. Conservative.

A believer in Jesus Christ.

Married to wife, Lisa, for nearly 50 years. Proud father of 3 daughters. Grandfather to 3 amazing kids.

Navy Reservist & Construction entrepreneur

Simply speaking, I support limited government, constitutional adherence, fiscal responsibility and traditional social values.

I have had the opportunity to serve Union and Anson County as the NC House Representative for 10 years. My voting record is clear - and public record. Although I strive for bi-partisanship to better the lives of my constituents, I do not waiver or compromise my core beliefs to satisfy an agenda.

Proudly Supports


As an NRA member and strong advocate of 2nd Amendment freedoms, I will continue to fight for gun rights in the NC House.


Every eligible American deserves to have their vote counted in a lawful manner. I will ensure the integrity of our elections without partisan misconduct.


No child should be stuck in under performing schools based on their zip code. I am a avid supporter of allowing parents to decide what is best for their children’s education and spend their tax money where they see fit.


Fiscal responsibility is vital to our community. I have been part of a legislature that has a history of lowing taxes while still providing for it’s citizens.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement is the cornerstone of our communities and I support our brave men and women in uniform and who risk their lives everyday for our safety.


As our local communities evolve and grow, we need to be on the offence and anticipate infrastructure needs before they become a problem. I work diligently with state and county managers to stay on top of these issues.

Would you consider a donation?
I humbly ask for your financial support and commit to the responsible stewardship of these funds for my campaign.

Contact Mark

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